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Monday, June 7, 2010

Does Birth Order really make a difference

Does the actual order in which one is born with his/her brothers & sisters bear noticeable acceptance or denial in today’s society?

“I suppose you are the last one,” she said as she called the roll at the beginning of another school year. No one said a word. This was day 1 in Nanny Kyle’s algebra class and all the other kids say she didn’t miss a thing! She had one good eye and one bad, like you know ‘slow’ or something. The older guys said “sit on her left side, that’s the bad eye side…” I was sitting in the second desk, in roll one, by the door, I thought close enough to the front that as she looked out over the class she wouldn’t be able to see over the bridge of her nose with her good eye—

She called the name again, I didn’t hear her, then she repeated herself, louder—“I suppose you are the last one, Sammy—then it hit me. That’s my name; I said “here” She turned toward me, nothing wrong with her hearing, I just smiled. “Are you Sammy?” “Yes ma’am,” I said with pride and she ask the third time- “Are you the last one? I had your sister, Peggy, a darling child, then Jimmy and Jackie… Are you the last one?” Then it hit me, she had taught my sister and brothers and wanted to know if—“Yes, yes ma’am, I’m the last one…” Wow, had she picked me a part, now she and everyone else knew I was the last, or the baby of the family!

I had never thought of it before- Did it really matter if I was born the oldest or the youngest child in the family… boy or girl? A question even now we may ask ourselves yet something no one has control over - our birth order.

Does the actual order in which one is born with his/her brothers & sisters bear noticeable acceptance or denial in today’s society?

If I had been first born would I have a better chance at life. Would I do better in school, sports… a better chance at success - could I be president, some day…

If one becomes president has absolutely nothing to do with their birth order- even though over half of the past presidents have been first borns.

The "science" of birth order seems to have been boiled Down to"first-borns are driven” and "the
babies of the family are spoiled and aimless." But as first proposed by psychologist Alfred Adler
it is a complicated system of studies and observations that lead to generalizations about behavior.

As Reviewed By: Cynthia Haines, in the WebMD Feature taken from Birth order tends to set the stage on which siblings are assigned a role.

Statements and quotes like this do nothing to the ego of 2nd, 3rd and lower numbered family members. In other words, If the 1st, 2nd or 3rd child never made president or made it to much out of the ordinary, and the statistics bear this out – then what is left for say the 4th child, and those after? Not much to choose from, huuh?

So I guess our fate is sealed. If those brothers & sisters in front of us fail to lift us up or pull us out of the ‘doldrums of life’. Then we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and set out to become the best ‘Hubsters’ out there. Right?

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